Beckman Coulter CytoFlex LX
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Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX LX
The CytoFLEX LX Flow Cytometer is an expansion of the CytoFLEX Platform. This model expands research possibilities with up to six lasers and 21 color parameters. Six spatially separated lasers allows panels to be spread across the spectrum reducing cross talk and spectral overlap. All instruments in the platform utilize CytExpert for CytoFLEX Acquisition and Analysis Software.
Two series are available, UV-Violet-blue-Yellow Green-Red-IR (U-V-B-Y-R-I) and Near UV-Violet-Blue-Yellow Green-Red-IR (N-V-B-Y-R-I)
Instruments with as few as four activated laser and 14 color parameters are available with the option to activate additional lasers and detection channels in the future with the purchase of an activation key
For higher throughput applications an optional plate loader module is available and for use in regulated environments the software contains tools for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance

Nanoparticle Detection
The advancement of flow cytometry into nanoparticle scale resolution, makes it possible to ask questions previously left to speculation. Several fundamental capabilities of flow cytometry make it an attractive platform for studying nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles. That is the ability to detect large numbers of events, and discrimination of rare events, while simultaneously collecting information on phenotypic expression

CytoFLEX LX Specifications
Photodiodes (forward & side scatter), Photomultiplier tubes (fluorescence) | Detection |
<600 MESF for APC, <600 MESF for FITC, <300 MESF for PE | Performance |
Digital System with 4 decade data display | Signal Processing |
B78560 | Item Specifications Referenced |
about 0.5 μm diameter particles. HPCV is <2% to <4% depending on the laser | Resolution |
BioSense 150 μm x 450 rectangular channel with an integral lens | Flow Cell |
100 VAC, 115 VAC, 230 VAC, 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, Requires dedicated lines | Power Requirements |
Focus on the Science
The CytoFLEX Platform innovative design delivers powerful performance in a compact, easy-to-use flow cytometer. It simplifies the practice of flow cytometry so that it can be more readily used by a wider range of scientists, allowing them to harness the power of single cell analysis. Increasing the robustness of the system, detectors, light management, fluidics and compensation algorithms means that establishing multicolor assays takes less planning and optimization.

The Yellow Green 561 nm laser excites RFP and RFP derivatives such as DsRed and HcRed more efficiently than the Blue 488 nm laser.
An additional benefit of spatially separated lasers is increased sensitivity, thus minimizing inter-laser compensation. Therefore, cells expressing GPF, YFP, DsRed, and HcRed, may be analyzed, resulting in superior resolution of simultaneously expressed multicolor fluorescent protein signals.